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Start Of Term Arrangements 19.07.2021

RE: Start of term arrangements

Dear Families,

Firstly, I wanted to say a big ‘Thank You’ for all of your support over the last year in what has been an unprecedented and very difficult situation for all concerned. We are really proud of our students and the resilience they have shown throughout this last year.


Students moving into Year 11 and 13 will return on Monday 6th September for an induction session; lessons will commence on Tuesday 7th September at 9.10am.


Although COVID restrictions are being removed across the country this week, with further relaxations on 16th August, there is an expectation that all students undertake two COVID tests 3-5 days apart, on their return to school in September.


If you have any questions or queries about any of these details, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s form tutor or ACO.


New Year 11 – Monday 6th September


Arrival followed by COVID Test 9am.
Welcome Assembly – Cyber Cafe 9.30am – 10am
Form time and TT’s (plus Photos for Y10 / Y12) 10am – 11am
Finish time 11am.


New Year 13 – Monday 6th September


Arrival followed by COVID Test 1.15pm
Welcome Assembly – Cyber Cafe 1.45pm – 2.15pm
Form time and TT’s (plus Photos for Y10 / Y12) 2.15pm – 3pm
Troubleshooting and UCAS Personal Statements 3pm – 4pm



Yours faithfully,


John Cadogan

Vice Principal