Information for candidates
We are required to provide all candidates with access to clear guidance on rules and regulations surrounding exams. The guidance can be found by clicking the buttons. Should you have any questions or queries regarding this information then please contact our exams office Jane Peirce
Contingency Examination Date
Wednesday 26th June 2024 will be a 'contingency day' for all exam boards in the UK. In line with Ofqual's exam system contingency plan , this is an additional day at the end of the exam period.
All examination boards have included a contingency examination date this year.
This will be used if a significant, unexpected event arises nationally or locally during the exam period such that no students (or a large number of them) are able to take an exam when planned. Of course, we all hope there won’t be such disruption and that the contingency day won’t be needed. But students should be available throughout the exam period, including on that day, in case their planned timetable is disrupted.
Please be aware that you son/daughter needs to be available on this date. We will inform you in advance if we need students to attend on this date.