
Welcome Back

Thank you to all Year 10 parents that were available and made it in despite the rain last night to our parents evening. It was lovely to catch up with you personally and I know conversations with staff are always well received. I know many of those that couldn’t make it have already arranged alternative appointments to catch up with our team and I thank you for this.

I was delighted with our parent survey in which 100% of parents agree or strongly agree that we have high expectations, ensure good behaviour and would recommend us to other parents. We really do value your feedback.

Next Thursday we look forward to welcoming Year 12 parents to our subject teacher meetings. Please do make sure your child has made the appropriate appointments.

Finally a reminder that next week is the first of two weeks of mock exams for our Year 11 and 13 students. Thank you for all your support with this from home. Your engagement with these arrangements does make a substantial difference. Please find the timetables for these exams below and note that outside of these times students should be in school.

We are incredibly proud of all areas of our curriculum at Logic and wanted to remind parents of how they can engage with this at home. Every subject operates a ‘curriculum plan’, this outlines exactly what your child will be studying during any given week at the school. These documents are live on our website via our curriculum page and are printed for students reference during lessons.

Talking about our curriculum plans is not only a great way to keep up to date with your child’s education, but it is a great way for them to revise too!

Alex Pett

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