
Spring 2 2023

Welcome back to Spring 2. Students have made an excellent return to learning this week. It has been really encouraging to hear how well our Year 11 and Year 13 students have been responding to the call of mock exams.

During our weekly staff training session this week we were looking at a teaching method we call FACE; Facts, Application, Connection, Exam Practice. It is through this styles of lesson that we will be ensuring our students are ready for their exams this summer. As always, there is a huge focus on our own continued development to ensure we are best placed to support << Test Child’s name >>.

Thursday gave us a great opportunity to meet our Year 10 parents, the attendance at this event was fantastic. Not only that, but the feedback we received (thanks to those that complete our survey), was incredibly rewarding to read. I felt particularly proud that 69.2% of parents Strongly Agree that we let you know how your child is doing.

A reminder that mock exams will take place for Year 11 and Year 13, further details in the full email.

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