Residential round up and PBL news

I am writing this message from our Year 11 residential in Devon. We have had a great mix of activity and revision and are doing all we can to set students up into successful learning habits for the Easter break. Yesterday they tackled a water based assault course, Maths, English and a park full of drop slides. Ahead of us today lies History, high-ropes, coasteering and Computer science.
Back at Logic basecamp, Year 10 spent Monday setting up their own ‘stalls’ as part of the Easter Enterprise Fair. Students were challenged to set up and run their own stalls, which were then open at lunchtime to staff and students. We had stalls selling cakes, sweets, pizza, easter treats and much more. Students have also been preparing for their BTEC Creative Media and Business exams which are taking place straight after the Easter holidays.
For Year 12 and 13, the main focus this week has been about exam preparation and coursework completion in the run up to our BTEC Exams and deadlines. Year 12 have also participated in the half termly carousel challenge we run, with activities including App development; International Trade; a debate; a Computing project; and Feltham Futures.
This Easter will be a mixed bag for our students. Though for some it is a time to switch off, for students in Year 11, 12 and 13 with exams ahead this summer it is a time for disciplined study. In the letters that will accompany your child’s report (more details below) I mention 2-2-2. Our expectation is that students study for 2 hours in the morning, two in the afternoon and two in the evening.