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RE: Year 11 Meet your Form Tutor Evening Thursday 9th November

Friday 20th October

Dear Parents / Carers


RE: Year 11 Meet your Form Tutor Evening


Firstly, a big thank you for your support during the first half of the Autumn term. It has been a really positive start to the year and Year 11 have returned with a real focus on their exams and their plans for next year. We look forward to discussing the progress of your child at our parent evening next week and how we can all support them in this vital year. 


Our Year 11 ‘Meet your Form Tutor’ Evening will take place on Thursday November 9th 2023 from 4.15pm – 7pm at Logic. It is expected that parents and students attend this event. 

There will be no Prep for Year 11 this evening and students will finish at 4pm. 


  • All students will be invited to make an appointment with their Form Tutor over the next two weeks. 
  • You can also do this by emailing your child’s form tutor directly using the email address below.  



Appointments will take place in the school cyber cafe and will be 10 minutes in length. This will be an excellent opportunity to see how your child has begun Year 11, discuss their academic progress and look at how they are preparing for this year’s vital GCSE exams. 


We really value these opportunities to talk with you as we know that working together makes a huge difference in supporting student progress. If for any reason you are unable to attend, your child is still expected to attend to review their progress. 


If there you have any issues or questions, please ask your child to speak directly to their Form Tutor ASAP or contact Mrs Llewellyn-Omirin, the ACO for Year 11 via email on 


Yours faithfully


Alex Pett
