
Logic A level students visit National Theatre Archives

he YR12 English A Level group took a trip to The National Theatre Archives this week to watch a recorded performance of the 2017-2018 production of ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ starring celebrity Sienna Miller.  It was a fantastic performance – all conducted with one stage setting, the bedroom of Brick & Maggie. It is set within the time frame of one evening – Big Daddy’s 65th birthday where the family are joined for a celebratory supper, also following his ‘alleged’ confirmation that he doesn’t have cancer; however the family are really united because they all vie to inherit his 28 acre estate and $10million net worth.


We watched the performance in one sitting and managed to get our free TfL train back to Feltham before rush hour.  The whole trip was free!  Photos taken on the train of the students having fun and talking animatedly about the performance, which they need to write about for this unit of their exam.  A fun but also really useful and worthwhile trip – the students really know this play well .