Logic Students are career ready.
Career Ready Mentoring Icebreaker Meeting
Year 12 Career Ready students on the Accountancy and Finance Employer Engagement Pathway recently engaged in a very successful Icebreaker Meeting with their business mentors. A mentor is a student’s guide, sounding board and critical friend. Mentoring is the part of the programme that our students say transforms their thinking about careers and work more than anything else. Mentoring is a two-way street – the mentor isn’t there to tell them what to do but to help them to understand their options, work through how to make decisions and support them in fulfilling their potential.
Our students have been partnered with mentors from BP, BSI Group, Bank of England, Silicon Valley Bank, Ofcom, Aon, Aviva, etc., who are committed to supporting them and who will give them an insight into the professional world of work. Students will meet and communicate with their mentors regularly over a year who will help them: to formulate a career plan; to identify the skills and qualities that they need to develop in order to increase their employment/higher education chances; develop their confidence in the workplace and strategies to make the best first impression to an employer; and build their own professional network.
Year 12 Accounting students visit Capital Group
Year 12 students on the Accounting and Finance Employer Engagement Pathway had the exciting opportunity to visit Capital Group, one of the world’s largest investment management firms at their London office.
Our students gained a wonderful insight into Capital Group and its success. Students engaged with employer volunteers in a Speed Networking activity where they gained valuable knowledge about a wide range of employer roles and their career journeys into Capital Group. Students were grouped with employer volunteers where they were able to engage and develop their employability and interview skills. Students were then treated to a scrumptious lunch and tour of the firm and their envious facilities and location overlooking Buckingham Palace gardens. The highlight of the visit was where students had to reflect on their experiences from the day and work in teams to design an app to help young people in their community to find information about career options. All teams gave an excellent account of themselves and pitched great apps to the judges. The winning team consisted of Jimmy, Zaki, Dhenesh, Owen, Mandeep and Nooria and they were each rewarded with a goody bag of Capital Group paraphernalia.
Our hosts were very complimentary of our students and how well engaged they were, their willingness to learn and ask meaningful questions and the fact that they enjoyed the day, including our hosts.