What students do
At Logic School, our aim is to provide a stable careers programme where all students are provided with the opportunity to prepare for their transition into the evolutionary world of work.
We want all of our students to achieve their full potential, whilst being fully prepared for their transition into aspirational careers.
We want our students to make informed choices, allowing them to make good decisions on their future careers
Our students meet with employers, apprenticeships providers and universities and learn about the different opportunities available to them for their future career.
They are made aware of local and national Labour Market Information (LMI) to support them in making informed choices for their future career.
To explain about how to and support them in making applications for the full range of academic and technical courses available Post 16 and Post 18.

In Year 10, students will...
Learn about potential future career opportunities by meeting with a range of employers, universities and apprenticeship providers.
Develop employability and career specific skills through our Project Based Learning (PBL) Weeks and Enrichment programme.
Plan, undertake and review a Work Placement opportunity with a local company.
Learn about the resources available to support future career choices.
- Assembly – Introduction to CEIAG, your future and the Upskill Me Platform (September)
- Logic Careers Fair – meet employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeships and training providers (September)
- Identify their individual skills and aptitudes through a Careers Morning focused on potential future jobs and careers and be introduced to the Y10
- Work Experience Opportunity. Including Barclays Wheel of Strength and NCS Skills Assessment and Careers Explorer (PBL1)
- Experience an assembly from local EBP Spark to discuss Work Experience and the local job market. (November)
- Complete further Work experience research and undertake an activity that focuses on CV writing and a letter to businesses (PBL2)
- Participate in a speed networking event with local business people to further develop their knowledge of a variety of careers. (PBL3)
- Visit St Mary’s University to look at Post 18 options and career pathways (PBL3).
- Undertake an industry visit to one of a range of local employers to further develop knowledge of career opportunities. (PBL4)
- Participate in a Work experience preparation morning that focuses on travel, your 1st day, ‘mock’ phone calls and introducing yourself. (PBL5)
- Undertake a full time Work Experience placement for one week with a local company. (July)
- Reflect on and present on their experience of their Work Placement. (July)
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In Year 11, students will...
Undertake a Transition programme that focuses on Post 16 opportunities including specific 1 to 1 guidance for each student and Mock Post 16 Interviews.
Develop employability and career specific skills through our Project Based Learning (PBL) Weeks and Enrichment programme.
Learn about potential future career opportunities by meeting with a range of employers, universities and apprenticeship providers.
Learn about the resources available to support future career choices, with particular reference to career pathways.
- Visit local universities, businesses and organisations to undertake further opportunities throughout the year as part of Aim Higher, NCOP, Uni Connect, Future Frontiers, Speakers for Schools Work Experience, etc.
- Have the opportunity to record and reflect on their Careers activities through the use of the Upskill Me digital platform.
- Participate in projects and activities that focus on Logic’s Professional Competencies:
Crowdfunding (PBL1)
Games Development Day (PBL2)
The Logic Debate (PBL3)
Logic Easter Business Fair (PBL4)
Various PSHE / Assembly topics throughout the year. - In Year 11, students will have the opportunity to:Assembly – Year 11 CEIAG focus, your future plans and the Upskill Me Platform review (September)
Logic Careers Fair – meet employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeships and training providers (September) - Undertake a transition day that focuses on post 16 option research. To include local job data; various post 16 options available; potential career pathways and requirements; and research into courses available. (PBL1)
- Attend a parent evening to allow parents to be aware and be able to support students in making Post 16 choices (November)
- Undertake a second transition day that focuses on applications. To include completion of application forms, CV design and a post 16 transition interview. (PBL2)
- Participate in a speed networking event with local business people to further develop their knowledge of a variety of careers. (PBL3)
- Participate in a Mock Interview and Presentation Day focussed on transition and career development. (PBL3)
- Have a 1 to 1 interview with our EE lead to support applications for organisations other than Logic (Summer)
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In Year 12, students will...
Participate in the Logic Employer Engagement Induction Programme.
Choose an Employer Engagement Pathway that supports their future career choice by developing practical and career specific skills and knowledge.
Undertake a Work Placement or Internship.
Learn about potential future career opportunities by meeting with a range of employers, universities and apprenticeship providers.
Develop employability and career specific skills through our Project Based Learning (PBL) Weeks and Enrichment programme.
- Participate in the Logic Induction Programme. (Half Term 1)
- Introduction to Employer Pathways.
- What employers want?
- The local job market.
- Speed Networking, mock interview and CV workshops.
- The Logic Careers Fair.
- Choose an ‘Employer Pathway’ to undertake that focuses on their possible future career (Half Term 2 onwards):
- EPQ Pathway for those focused on University Applications
- Finance Professional Pathway including Accountancy qualifications and Career Ready
- Computing Professional Pathway including CISCO Exams
- Games Design Pathway
- Business Pathway
- Travel and Tourism Pathway.
- Business HR and Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Participate in projects that focus on Logic’s Professional Competencies. Projects may include:
- Feltham Futures Community project
- International Trading Game
- Esports Event Planning
- The Logic Debate
- App / Product design, development and marketing.
- London Cultural Scramble
- Undertake visits and activities linked to future careers. This includes:
- Visit local universities to find out about courses and post 18 options. Trips include St Mary’s, Roehampton, Kingston, Royal Holloway, UCFB, Ravensbourne and UWL (Various).
- Further opportunities linked to pathways and subjects throughout the year. (Various)
- Have the opportunity to record and reflect on their Careers activities, undertake further online courses and investigate careers opportunities through the use of the Upskill Me digital platform (EE sessions and Form time throughout the year)
- Participate in the Logic Transition Days which focus on Apprenticeship, University and employment opportunities at Post 18. (May / July)
- Undertake Work Placements (Various) and Career Ready Internships (Summer) with local companies.
- PSHE / Assembly topics throughout the year including EE mornings (Various)
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In Year 13, students will...
Undertake the ‘Logic Futures’ programme that focuses on Post 18 options including specific 1 to 1 guidance and support.
Be supported in their Post 18 applications for University, Apprenticeships and Employment.
Learn about potential future career opportunities by meeting with a range of employers, universities and apprenticeship providers.
Develop employability and career specific skills through our Project Based Learning (PBL) Weeks and Enrichment programme.
Learn about the resources available to support future career choices, with particular reference to career pathways.
- Participate in the Logic ‘Futures’ Programme
- Identify and research potential all Post 18 options
- Apprenticeship and Degree Apprenticeship Applications plus Mock Testing Centre, interviews and visits to businesses offering apprenticeships.
- University Applications – UCAS, personal statements, finance and interview support.
- Participate in the Y13 EE Pathway for students in Finance Professional and Computing Professional Pathways
- Apply for University, apprenticeships or employment supported by Y13 Transition team including 1 to 1 mentoring and coaching
- Have the opportunity to record and reflect on their Careers activities, undertake further online courses and investigate careers opportunities through the use of the Upskill Me digital platform
- Learn about and participate in the Recruitment and Selection Process as part of their BTEC Level 3 Business Course.
- Undertake The Logic Leavers Workshops in PSHE to help prepare for Life after Logic!
- Attend the Logic Careers Fair to meet employers, universities and apprenticeships and training providers. (September)
- Visit universities and businesses to look at potential Post 18 options (various)
- Participate in projects that focus on Logic’s Professional Competencies. Projects include:
- Speed Networking
- Mock Interviews
- Managing an Event
- Barclays Finance Workshops.
- Practicals for Life!
- PSHE / Assembly topics throughout the year (Various)
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