
Happy New Year

It seems rather late to be saying this, but Happy New Year and welcome back to Logic! I hope that the Christmas break has offered you a time to recharge ahead of the new year. The weather has been a struggle this week with one of our staff having to move from a flooded location and me donning my wellies to get out of my own house. The start of next week is looking particularly cold, please bear this in mind when it comes to travelling to and from the school site.

Last night we welcomed Year 13 parents to talk with subject teachers, thank you to all that attended. These conversations are so important in allowing us to share our plans with you and to offer you support in preparing your child for what lies ahead.

Next week we welcome our Year 11 parents to a similar evening (Thursday 4-7pm) as we kick start our long run into the summer. Year 11 parents should have also received the first of our weekly ‘Steps to Success’ email campaign. Each week we will send through a short email containing revision tips, questions and resources as well as support and guidance to ensure you are able to offer support to your child.

Yesterday was also a day of celebration for many in Year 12 and 13 picking up results from resit examinations in maths and English. Our pass rate is up to nearly 75% across both maths and English. If you saw this BBC News article this week you may have seen that the national average here is just 23% in maths and 40% in English. Those that did not make it this time round should be pleased with the progress they have made since the last assessment and know that we continue to work with them in their pursuit of this goal.

Alex Pett

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