
SAP Technologies

Logic Year 12 students recently visited SAP Technologies as part of their Employer Engagement programme. This sees students attend a different business each Wednesday, with the aim to develop their knowledge, understanding and awareness of local employers and the potential opportunities for them when the leave Logic.

SAP is a major player in technical systems and work with companies and organisations including the NFL and McLaren race cars. In fact, students spent part of the morning driving a F1 race car simulator, as well as playing computer based games linked to American Football and Tennis.

Students also delivered a presentation on completion of a Blue Sky thinking task, where they had to sell products such as bikini’s to Eskimos, meat to vegetarians and broken glass! The aim was to test their ability to think outside the box – some ideas were so far outside the box it was unbelievable!

A great day was by all and we are looking forward to working with SAP again in the future.