

Logic School Year 11 Revision Bootcamp and Residential Trip

Logic School Year 11 Revision Bootcamp and Residential Trip

Dear Parent/Carer of  

I am writing to inform you of our planned residential Revision Bootcamp for Year 11 students in March / April this year. This will take place at PGL Liddington, Swindon from Monday 31st March to Wednesday 2nd April 2025. 

The aim of this trip is to set students up for Easter by teaching key revision skills alongside content delivery, away from the school environment. Students will also get to participate in a number of fun activities to get them physically active outside. It is this balance between work and play that we think will establish a good routine for Easter. 

The provisional plan is as follows (more precise details will be confirmed closer to the time):

Monday 31st  March

  • Leave London at approximately 1pm and travel by minibus to Liddington.
  • Dinner provided
  • Evening activities to include subject based revision and Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA).


Tuesday 1st April

  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided. 
  • Programme of subject based revision and OAA. 


Wednesday 2nd April

  • Breakfast and lunch provided. 
  • Programme of subject based revision plus OAA activities. 
  • Depart at approximately 5pm to arrive at Feltham at approx 7pm. 

The cost of the visit is £169. However, we are subsidising to reduce this cost. We ask that you contribute £100 to cover the cost of transport/accommodation/meals/activities). If the school does not receive sufficient contributions then the trip will not be able to go ahead and will  be cancelled. 

To secure a place for your child, please log onto ParentPay by Friday February 7th 2025 to give your consent and make payment for the non-refundable deposit of £40. Once you have booked a place for your child, you are committed to the cost even if your child cannot attend. In the event that we are unable to run this trip you will receive a full refund. We would not like any child to miss out on this opportunity on grounds of financial hardship, and would encourage parents to contact the Principal if this is an issue. 

Students who do not wish to attend the trip will undertake lessons as normal on these days at Logic. 

We hope you agree that this will be a hugely beneficial and enjoyable visit for the students. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at school via email on 

Yours faithfully,

John Cadogan

Vice Principal


I agree for my son/daughter ………………………………………….……. in Form ………. to take part in the visit and have made a non refundable deposit of £50 via Parentpay and returned the medical agreement form.  


I am aware that Logic reserves the right to remove students whose behaviour does not warrant their attendance. Deposits will not be refunded at this point as initial payments will have been made to companies. 


Signed…………………………………………………   Date………………………………..