Water Supply Issues
This page will contain updates relating to our actions around the disruption to our water supply.
Thursday 30th January
Full Opening
I am pleased to be able to inform you that we are in a position to reopen as normal for all students from Thursday 30th January. We expect all students to return to lessons on site from 9am as normal.
Investigations are ongoing into the cause of this issue with the firm belief that this was caused externally. We hold this position as the return of full pressure to our system is not as a result of actions we have taken. Our central team is continuing to pursue this with the water company.
Monday 27th January
Continued Partial Closure
Unfortunately our partial closure will need to remain in place on both Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th January. There has been no further work from the waterboard at this time.
This is a difficult decision and I am acutely aware of the impact this will have on both our students and their parents. At this time we are also exploring alternative arrangements, such as the hire of event loos, to get us back up to capacity.
Year 11 will continue to be prioritised on site, alongside our vulnerable students (see additional details below). We will also look to bring in Year 12 and 13 students in specific lessons where the use of specialist graphic software is required.
Students in Year 10, along with the majority of those in Year 12 and 13 will continue to receive Remote Provision at this time. Students should continue to access their normal timetabled lessons via Google Classroom.
Phone calls have been made to a number of families today and will continue throughout this partial closure. Should you need additional help or support please do not hesitate to contact us on 0208 831 3001.
Sunday 26th January
Partial Closure
I write to inform you of my decision to operate a partial closure on Monday 27th January. This is due to an ongoing issue affecting our water supply. Though the waterboard have said they will be in attendance on Monday, there is a possibility of continued disruption and short notice closures over the coming week.
Students in Year 11 should attend school as normal on Monday. We can safely operate the school with this reduced number of students and are prioritising them at this time.
Students in Year 10, 12 and 13 will be provided with Remote Education via Google classroom.
A decision about what will happen from Tuesday onwards will be communicated as soon as we are able. I am sorry for the inconvenience this has, and may continue to cause and thank you for your ongoing support at this time.
Alex Pett
Remote Education
Our systems and procedures for Remote Learning have been in place since the COVID years and will be reactivated when necessary. The basis of this provision is that students will continue to follow their normal timetable with resources and support being made available via Google Classroom.
Students in Year 10, 12 and 13 will access remote work via Google Classroom. Staff will have posted materials to be completed in a common format to support your engagement. Staff will be available during lessons via Google Meet, to be accessed through Google Classroom. It is expected that students will keep their cameras off during these meetings.
For Key Stage 4, Prep will not run during Remote Provision.
For Key Stage 5, only subject lessons will run at this time (no Tutor Time, Employer Engagement, Futures, Independent Study)
Vulnerable Students
The school will continue to make onsite provision available to those students who are considered to be vulnerable. This includes the following:
- Students in receipt of Free School Meals – These students will be encouraged to attend site during the lunch period (13:30-14:20) to access the canteen.
- Students with limited access to technology – As our remote provision will rely on access to the internet and a device, those students for whom this is not possible will be welcomed to site to make use of the technology available to continue their education.
- Safeguarding – Where we have specific concerns we will make provision for students to learn from our site
Our support staff will begin to make phone calls to all students and their parents to make initial assessments on the level of need. We would also encourage parents with concerns to contact us directly.
Friday 24th January
Despite water pressure problems on site today we have made a risk assessment and feel that because of the reduced number of students on site and the short nature of our day, we are able to continue our on site provision as planned today.